Gay Front Disrupts Methodist Parley

SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (A) The Gay Liberation Front, a homosexual group, unfurled protest banners at a conflict-ridden Methodist meeting Thursday and a flurry of shouts and scuffles followed, forcing an early adjourn ment.

Earlier, ousted Methodist clergyman W11 Schaefer burned his minister's credentials in what he called "a symbolic act of disgust.” SCHAEFER WAS dismissed from the ministry recently after he disclosed he had a romantic relationship with a woman friend while married to another woman. He said he will file for a divorce.

Gene Leggett, a self-described homosexual, was suspended from the ministry Tuesday during the Southwest Texas United Methodist conference.

Leggett, a minister for 10 years, said he will surrender his credentials as a minister as well as his membership in the church.

Leggett, 36, is a resident member of the Dallas Thea-

ter Center. He also operates a home in Dallas called the "House of the Covenant" for homosexuals and others whom he feels the church has not reached.

The Gay Liberation Front's outburst Thursday came during a routine business session near the close of the conference.

MEMBERS OF the homosexual group, seated in the balcony, suddenly unfurled banners in support of Leggett.

As two banners were unfurled from the balcony railing of a downtown church, two men jumped up and angrily tore them apart.

This brought a Gay Liberation memberwearing a dress and sporting a thin mustache to his feet.

"You're interfering with freedom of speech!" he shouted to the men in the balcony.

BANNERS UNFURLED from another section of the balcony were allowed to remain. One bore words: "Accept Gays or Deny Christ."